SEMTA. Sociedad Española de Mecánica Teórica y Aplicada

Sociedad Española de
Mecánica Teórica y Aplicada


SEMTA (Sociedad Española de Mecánica Teórica y Aplicada) is a multidisciplinary scientific association whose purpose is to connect professionals who carry out scientific and technical work in all fields of theoretical and applied mechanics, and related engineering sciences, including analytical, computational and experimental research.

ActivitiesTerritorial ScopeGoverning Board

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To meet its goal, SEMTA carries out, promotes and sponsor the following activities:

  • Organization of scientific and technical meetings related to the theoretical and applied mechanics.
  • Participation in other activities dedicated to promoting the development of theoretical and applied mechanics, as a branch of science and engineering.
  • Carrying out dissemination, communication and public engagement activities which make the knowledge and research in theoretical and applied mechanics accessible to the society at large.
  • Collaboration with local, regional, national and international administrations, and with collectives, associations and industrial sectors interested in the development of projects and programs related to the theoretical and applied mechanics.
  • Cooperation with related national and international scientific societies. Principally, SEMTA will collaborate with “The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics” (IUTAM), and will represent the interest of its members in the activities organized by IUTAM.

SEMTA Territorial Scope

The activities of SEMTA will be primarily developed in Spain. Nevertheless, SEMTA may find international agreements and organize/sponsor activities in other countries in collaboration with related scientific societies.

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  • President: Pilar Ariza Moreno
  • Vicepresidente: Chengxiang Yu
  • Secretary: José A. Rodríguez Martínez
  • Treasurer: Esther Puertas García
  • Estefanía Peña Baquedano
  • Eugenio Giner Maravilla
  • Javier Segurado Escudero
  • Michael Ortiz

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Contact SEMTA

To get your questions answered or ask for additional information, please contact us using this form or email us at:

Email (information): 

Email (members): 

ETSI. Universidad de Sevilla
Camino de los descubrimientos, s/n
41092 Sevilla

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