SEMTA. Sociedad Española de Mecánica Teórica y Aplicada

Sociedad Española de
Mecánica Teórica y Aplicada

SEMTA – AIMETA colloquium From Experiments to Theory

The SEMTA – AIMETA colloquium “From Experiments to Theory” aims at gathering researchers from different horizons (analytical, numerical and experimental) working on the scale-bridging in Mechanics, spanning the domains of Mechanical, Biomechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering.

12th European Solid Mechanics Conference

The European Solid Mechanics Conference is the major event for the solid mechanics community in Europe, and provides a unique forum for scientists and engineers from Europe and across the world to exchange ideas on the current state-of-the-art in the mechanics of solids, on new concepts and ideas and to identify new research directions.

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ETSI. Universidad de Sevilla
Camino de los descubrimientos, s/n
41092 Sevilla

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